Past Event

Inaugural Event — Toronto 2018
Thursday, May 3, 6pm – CBC’S Barbara Frum Atrium, 250 Front St. W.
Our inaugural event featured journalists and citizens sharing stories about the power of journalism and how it effected change in their lives.
Ian Hanomansing, co-host of CBC’s The National, hosted the event, which featured live musical performances by Polaris Music Prize winner Lido Pimienta, Juno-nominated Canadian artists Iskwé, Daniel Romano, and Leah and Peter from July Talk.
Speaker Line-Up:
- Robyn Doolittle, investigative reporter with The Globe and Mail and Ava Williams – one of her sources, on reporting sexual assault, and the impact of the Unfounded investigation that exposed systemic mishandling of sexual assault cases by police.
- Mark Kelley, co-host of CBC’s the fifth estate; Kevin Newman, host and managing editor of CTV’s W5
- Avery Haines, investigative reporter with W5
- Reporter and producer Anton Koschany talks about the impact of investigative journalism
- Sara Mojtehedzadeh, work and wealth reporter for the Toronto Star with Nil Sendil from the Workers Action Centre & Angel Reyes, a temp worker
- Vicky Mochama, columnist for StarMetro
- Jane Lytvynenko, reporter with BuzzFeed News, and Jane Sims, reporter with The London Free Press, with source Ashlyn Krell and Brayden Krell, on dying and coming back to life
- Farah Nasser, Anchor, Global News on “diversity of perspectives” and “giving voice to the voiceless”.
- Farah Nasser, Anchor, Global News on “diversity of perspectives” and “giving voice to the voiceless”.
- The event also featured an audience “ask-me-anything” with Richard Gingras, vice president of news for Google with David Walmsley, chair of the CJF and editor-in-chief of The Globe and Mail.
- Carol Todd, mother of Amanda Todd, the teenager in Port Coquitlam, B.C. who took her own life after a harrowing experience of being stalked and bullied online and at school
- Christine Cameron, about her experience as documented in CBC’s Finding Cleopodcast with Duncan McCue, Host, CBC Radio’s Cross Country Checkup
- Janice Martell, who campaigned on behalf of her father and other Ontario miners who were forced to inhale an aluminum powder—promoted as a preventative measure against lung disease—which may have led to neurological and other serious health issues. Janice speaks with Linda Guerriero, Producer with The Fifth Estate, CBC News
Public Event
Le jeudi 3 mai, dès 17h30 – Écomusée du fier monde, 2050, rue Amherst, Montréal.
Des services gouvernementaux qui laissent des enfants pour compte, des décennies d’abus dans des communautés autochtones, des parcours d’immigrants qui souhaitent s’intégrer au marché du travail, les efforts de propriétaires lésés pour faire reconnaitre leurs droits ; toutes ces histoires et bien d’autres encore, ce sont les journalises qui nous les font connaître. Et, parfois, elles changent des vies.
Venez entendre les témoignages de gens pour qui un reportage a fait une différence dans leur vie, lors d’un cocktail dînatoire animé par Marie-Maude Denis et Patrick Lagacé.
La Fondation pour le journalisme canadien vous invite à célébrer la journée mondiale de l’information, en partenariat avec la FPJQ, lors de la journée mondiale pour la liberté de la presse, le 3 mai prochain.
Les billets sont en vente au coût de 25 $ + taxes. Réservez votre place au 514-522-6142 ou en ligne.