European Broadcasting Union: President Zelenskyy speaks to Eurovision News

To mark World News Day on September 28, 2022, the World News Day campaign is sharing stories that have had a significant social impact. This video, shared by the European Broadcasting Union, was released in March 2022.

In an exclusive interview for Eurovision News in Kyiv, Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, says any potential compromises to be agreed by Ukraine, including on NATO membership, would need to be put to the people in a referendum. He added that Ukraine will not submit to ultimatums from Russia, that all Ukrainians would have to be destroyed for that to be possible.

The face-to-face interview was conducted as a collaboration of European Broadcasting Union members. It was facilitated on location by Eurovision News Events and the Ukrainian public broadcaster, UA:PBC.

President Zelenskyy was interviewed by Angelina Kariakina, Head of News at UA:PBC; Michal Kubal, Chief International Correspondent at Czech Television; and Agnès Vahramian Jeru, International Correspondent at France Télévisions.

For more details on the full interview, please click here.