Journalism Matters

500 news organizations mark World News Day by demonstrating the power of journalism to make a difference. Take a look at the following reports and features that are making an impact in an increasingly complex and uncertain world:


Lost in Space Junk

They say what goes up must come down. When it comes to space, however, this expression doesn’t ring so true with space debris now reaching crisis proportions.

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Help kids discover climate change

Young children are passionate about our planet — and they can learn more about climate change while they build their news literacy skills and knowledge of science. On World News Day, download and republish this sample KidsScoop page, “Going Green”.

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Skipping the straw in Lebanon

Abu Alfabegan persuaded Beirut restaurants to stop using plastic straws. She is profiled by Rory Rusnak, founder of the Ireland-based Youth for Positive Change. The story is part of the World Teenage Reporting Project — Climate Champion Profiles.

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Sparkling teeth, cleaner planet

Meet the Indian teenager who has created a new kind of toothbrush that is designed to reduce plastic waste. Here, Saumya Chauhan, a student journalist for The Global Times at Amity International School in India, profiles the inventor, Dhruvi Gupta. The story is part of the World Teenage Reporting Project — Climate Champion Profiles.

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Mexico 2020

Rompiendo la oscuridad

Cuando asesinan a un periodista, lo cual en México suele ser terriblemente común, duele la pérdida de una vida y pesa saber que no lo volveremos a leer. O a escuchar. Que no sabremos nunca de las investigaciones que estaba preparando, la corrupción que indagaba, la complicidad criminal que revelaría. El entorno sin periodismo de investigación se vuelve oscuro.

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Periódicos: Seguir siendo relevantes… o morir en el intento

Desde hace años, todo congreso, seminario o conferencia vía Zoom en los que se revise la situación de las empresas periodísticas pone en algún momento sobre la mesa de discusiones una pregunta, que no ha hecho sino volverse más inquietante a la luz de la crisis sanitaria, social y económica provocada por el virus Covid-19: ¿Cuánto tiempo de vida le queda a los periódicos?

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