Journalism Matters
500 news organizations mark World News Day by demonstrating the power of journalism to make a difference. Take a look at the following reports and features that are making an impact in an increasingly complex and uncertain world:
Has the fuel cell’s day in the sun arrived on China’s road to 2060?
The second in a four-part series on China’s carbon neutrality goal of 2060 looks at the nation’s roll-out of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles (FCVs) and refuelling stations more than a decade ago. The technology’s day in the sun may be arriving.
China looks to capitalism to turn 2060 carbon neutral goal into reality
The first of a four-part series on China’s carbon neutrality target looks at the market prices for carbon emission quotas in China’s long awaited national carbon emissions quota trading scheme, crucial for turning President Xi Jinping’s 2060 pledge into deliverable reality.
Climate Change: Make Everyday Earth Day
Junior Lens aims to bring to your notice the challenges faced by our beautiful planet and how we can do our bit to make it a better place to live.
Saving the Arctic
Usually the Arctic region becomes an ice factory by mid October but last year, for the first time since records began, the sea ice in the Arctic region did not start freezing even by late October. This delay in the freezing of the Arctic sea ice is alarming scientists. And we should be very concerned too.
Electric Cars: The Future of Motoring
The world of motoring is poised for a big change and Electric Vehicles (EVs) will revolutionize the transportation industry.
Climate Action in the Middle East and North Africa: What Can Be Done?
It is not easy to predict a global emergency and have very limited time to prepare for it, if not be given the rare chance of actively working on preventing it from taking place. Yet, this is our current case with Climate Change.
Del clic al calentamiento global: la industria contaminante del internet
Mientras la digitalización se extiende como medida para reforzar el distanciamiento por la pandemia, empresas y ONG alertan de su impacto en el Planeta
El olor del dinero
La contaminación de las aguas en Gunjur, una ciudad de la costa atlántica del sur de Gambia, y su repercusión en los productos del mar
Ecosistemas marinos: Pasarán de ser aliados a enemigos
Especialistas advierten que la devastación de manglares, pastos marinos y marismas es un error mortal que se revertirá en contra de los humanos
Pandemia plástica
La pandemia de Covid-19 provocó que la producción mundial de material médico se multiplicara, a lo que se suman toneladas de plásticos que la gente ha vuelto a usar en la vida diaria para protegerse.
El reciclaje no es como lo pintan
La realidad es que hay que conocer la ruta correcta contra la contaminación por residuos…
Clima provoca más desplazados en México que el narcotráfico
En este país hay diez veces más personas que emigran por desastres naturales que por la violencia generada por el crimen organizado