Journalism Matters

500 news organizations mark World News Day by demonstrating the power of journalism to make a difference. Take a look at the following reports and features that are making an impact in an increasingly complex and uncertain world:


El olor del dinero

La contaminación de las aguas en Gunjur, una ciudad de la costa atlántica del sur de Gambia, y su repercusión en los productos del mar

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Pandemia plástica

La pandemia de Covid-19 provocó que la producción mundial de material médico se multiplicara, a lo que se suman toneladas de plásticos que la gente ha vuelto a usar en la vida diaria para protegerse. 

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Financing climate change: Banking on nature to fight climate change

From rainforests to wetlands, nature has some of the best tools to fight climate change. Now investors are planning on pouring billions of dollars into a market that promotes conservation and rewards investors with carbon credits to sell to big polluters. The first of a two-part special looks at the potential of the market, who is investing and what is needed to really get it off the ground.

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